Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Temple Towns

The next pit stop on my road trip was Belur followed by Halebeedu more popular known as temple towns both the temples in the these towns have very similar architecture and it's painfully beautiful .On the first look these temples look like they have been built out of  a huge monolithic rock . The dictionary meaning of intricate could have well been defined after a visit to these places . The temple in Belur has a very Vintage Vibe as in modernization hasn't touched it yet however the Halebeedu temple has a pretty lake by the side with a small park along the sides of the temple . You can sit her the whole day with some music and life's good . 
P.S Both these places are surprisingly neat not a spec of dirt ,very impressive . Makes me want to live in another era .

P.P.S Will do a what I wore post next.

Monday, November 28, 2011

French Connection

During Diwali while I was in Bangalore ,was invited to check the FCUK and Calvin Klein Stores in Bangalore . Though I had a tight schedule due to the road trip this was something I had decided to do because FCUK's first stand alone store had finally opened in Bangalore and also I wanted to check the Phoenix Mall in Bangalore near WhiteField . Had a ball visiting the stores and clicking pictures of some of my favorite pieces from the store and of-course mall walking is always fun . So here are some of my favorite picks from the store . 

Friday, November 25, 2011


I was quite sad thinking my sweaters and jackets will never see the real world till i got back to Bangalore but I'm quite glad that I can at-least use them during late evenings and early mornings here as it's getting pretty cold . However I was told Bangalore is kinda freezing and how I miss it . I was supposed to go there for the Fireflies music festival that's going to be happening on the 26th of November but after NH7 Weekender In Pune I don't have the energy for it . For all of you In Bangalore it's a must attend though . Look up for the fireflies ashram on google for more information 
P.S No shoes allowed inside considering it's a jain temple so that explains the minus the shoes part in the pictures 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

On The NH 48

Had been meaning to put up pictures of my road trip I had been during Diwali. Some internet problems at first and pure procrastination is the reason I was absent from the blog. So here's the first set of pictures . This was what I did on the first day we went to Shravana Belagola . If your from Karnataka you'll definitely know of this place but for those otherwise , this place is famous for it's beautiful Jain Temple which houses a huge statute of Mahaveer a monolithic stone statue and is absolutely marvelous . Initially the plan was just a quick pit stop at this place ,the aura of the place was such  that it had to be enjoyed a little longer . 

P.S Will do a what I wore next .

Monday, November 21, 2011

Put Some New Shoes On

I honestly cannot seem to remember when I last bought some shoes . Going through some serious  craving right now . As much as I love living by myself  I hate the fact that my daily needs which were taken care of so well back in Bangalore is eating into my wearing something pretty fund here in Pune.The choices are getting tougher by the day ,how can you decide between say shoes, awesome pair of trousers or paying your rent . Crisis I tell you. 
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